March 22, 2003


THE SCRIPTURES:  We believe the Bible is the Word of God, fully inspired and without error in the original manuscripts, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  II Peter 1:20-21.


THE GODHEAD:  We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, yet distinct in office and activity; and that they execute these offices harmoniously in the work of creation, providence and redemption.  Deut 6:4, Matt 18:19.


GOD THE FATHER: We believe in God the Father, perfect in wisdom, holiness, power and love.  We believe that He concerns Himself mercifully in the affairs of men, that He hears and answers prayer and that He saves from sin and spiritual death all those who come to Him through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.


JESUS CHRIST: We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He is equal with God, that He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life here on earth, that He was crucified and was resurrected from the dead by the power of God, that His death is the atonement for all sin, that He ascended into Heaven where He makes intercession for His people and that He will return again to receive His people unto Himself.  Rom. 8:34, Acts 1:19.


THE HOLY SPIRIT:  We believe in the Holy Spirit – that He is God, that He has been operative with God the Father and God the Son from the beginning.  His principle office is to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment, and to regenerate, sanctify and empower all who believe in Jesus Christ.  He dwells in every believer and is an abiding helper.  Acts 1:8, Eph 4:23, I Cor 3:16.


REGENERATION: we believe all men are sinners by nature, by choice and by practice and are therefore under condemnation apart from the saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Rom 5:8


THE CHURCH:  We believe in the Church, a living spiritual body of which Jesus Christ is the Head.  All regenerated -born-again persons are members.  We believe in the local church, adhering to the Word of God as it is written -  consisting of believers in Jesus Christ, baptized on a credible profession of faith.  Col. 1:18, I Tim. 3:17, Eph. 4:11.


THE SECOND COMING:  We believe in the visible, personal and imminent return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  John 14:1-3, Titus 2:11-13, Acts 1:11.


CHRISTIAN CONDUCT:  We believe that a Bible believing Christian should live for the glory of God and the well being of his fellow men; that his conduct should be blameless before the world, that he should be a faithful steward of his possessions, and he should seek to realize for himself and others the full stature of maturity in Jesus Christ.  II Cor 5:17.


ORDINANCES:  We believe the Lord Jesus Christ has committed to the body of Christ; Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.  We believe these two ordinances should be observed and administered until the return of Jesus Christ.  Matt. 3:16, Mark 14:22-25.


ANGELS:  We believe in the reality and personality of angels, including the great enemy of God and man, Satan, who is prince and power of evil in the world.  We believe Satan is destined to the judgment of an eternal justice in the lake of fire.  Rev. 20:10.


THE GREAT COMMISSION:  The obligation and privilege of the Church of Christ, in which each believer shares is to take the Good News of this glorious salvation to every creature on earth.  The Gospel in its very essence is a missionary message and commands us to preach the Word whenever and wherever our Lord sends us.  Matt. 28:19,20, Rom 10:13-15.





Statement of Faith




Index     Vision of Bass Lake Ranch   BLRMC   Statement of Faith    Bass Lake  

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